
The Rose Sweeney behind Lorett:


My Background

I’m a seasoned brand and communications strategist via public education, academia, architecture, and nonprofits. For more than 20 years, I’ve used storytelling and design to grow relationships: with clients, among partners, and within teams.

But more than anything, I’m a decoder and translator. With degrees in literature from Smith College and the University of Chicago, my training is in how diverse signifiers communicate value and ideas to the world.

What I Love about my work

I’m passionate about the interplay between words and images and how they reinforce authenticity.

I strategize, write, and design. I also dive in, learn your mission, and get excited about your impact. When we work together, I consider myself a member of your team who expects to roll up her sleeves to do what it takes to get the job done.

I Focus on the partnership

Relationships matter. After 12 years of working in-house and another 10 as an independent consultant, I’ve found that successful partnerships happen when there’s right-sized solutions, accountability, and responsiveness on both sides of the table. Very simply, this is the most effective way to create great work and ultimately put more good into the world.